Electronic Fingerprinting Information

Electronic Fingerprinting

Before coming to the cooperative, call 501-354-2269 to schedule an appointment.  

All of your paperwork MUST be completed before coming to Arch Ford ESC.  You must bring your fingerprint consent form and your transaction ID.  If you do not have your paperwork , we will not do your fingerprints and you will need to reschedule.  

Fingerprint Applicants Must:

Step 1: Call 501-354-2269 make an appointment

Step 2: Bring the fingerprint consent form 

Step 3: Bring proof of payment (transaction ID) 

Step 4: Be on time.

**Keep in mind, regardless of who is paying, the transaction ID is only valid for 14 (fourteen) days--so once your background is keyed online you have only 14 (fourteen) days to come in and complete your electronic fingerprints.


Schools will be billed through Information Network of Arkansas (INA). No transactions will occur between Arch Ford and the district.

The school district will be able to track the status of the FBI check (fingerprint) at any time by visiting Arkansas Department of Public Safety

If you work for an employment agency or a non-member of the Arch Ford Co-op, there is a $10.00 fee for finger printing.  We only accept credit/debit card payments for this fee.