Data privacy and protection is an important responsibility for educators and school staff. The resources below are a great place to start learning more about this obligation as well as some resources that help to vet apps.

Student Privacy Pledge Signatories - School Service Providers request to be added to the list of signatories as a public commitment for the responsible collection and use of student data. 

iKeepSafe - iKeepSafe certifies technology used by children and in educational settings with qualified experts. 

Student Privacy Compass - a series of short videos, slide decks, and interactive activities on the most pressing topics schools face with regards to students' wellbeing.

Commonsense Media Privacy Evaluations  -  A comprehensive privacy evaluation process for mobile applications in which users can view the privacy ratings of a product to learn more about its data privacy practices, and whether that data is used to target advertisements or track them. 

COPPA 101 - a summary of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998.

Ferpa 101  - a summary of the Family Education Rights and Policies Act of 1974